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We are thrilled to announce that our 2019 Sustainable Development Report, "Healthy Protein for People and Planet" is now available for download here.
We are thrilled to announce that our 2019 Sustainable Development Report, "Healthy Protein for People and Planet" is now available for download here.
Quorn Foods currently report biennially in line with the recertification of our product carbon footprint portfolio. With this latest report we aimed to level up the standard of reporting and transparency, whilst sharing highlights of the impressive work going on across the company that are having a positive impact for society and our shared environment.
This document is so much more than a beautiful front cover. This report is essential in communicating our organisation’s performance relating to our 3 key pillars of health, environment and people. As this agenda continuous to rise in relevance, we will likely be asked more and more about – for example, how Quorn® products are made; what are the health benefits of Quorn mycoprotein as a meat replacer; what is the environmental impact of producing our products; what is the business doing to further improve; and how does Quorn Foods stand out from competitors? The report is a great asset to help answer all of those questions.
With a Q&A from Dr. Tim Finnigan, a foreword by our CEO Kevin Brennan, and featuring stories and key facts from across the business, we are proud to deliver within this report an ambition to maximise the climate positive impacts of the Quorn brand, through a new roadmap, "Good Food does Great Things", which aligns for the first time to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We evidence our contribution through showcasing the work over the last two years and beyond that has been undertaken to support Healthy Lifestyles, Healthy Planet, and Healthy People.
We hope this gives you a flavour of the great things we have been up to, and of the greater things to come for Quorn Foods as we maximise sustainable growth to deliver better protein for people and planet.
For more information on Sustainability, click here.
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