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Easy Vegan Swaps with Quorn

Whether you've been vegan for years or you've just started Veganuary, there's a Quorn vegan product for you!

Here at Quorn, we believe good food does great things and that’s why we have been working on expanding our vegan range, alongside our veggie classics.

In our Vegan Range, you can now find Vegan Nuggets, Pieces and Fillets alongside a selection of vegan deli items including Quorn Pepperoni, Quorn Smoky Ham and Chicken Free Slices. View our full Vegan range here.

Quorn mycoprotein is the chief ingredient common to all Quorn products and is a unique, nutritious and sustainable vegan protein source that can contribute to a healthy, balanced vegan diet.

Key Facts:

  • Quorn mycoprotein is high in fibre and protein
  • Quorn mycoprotein is low in fat and saturated fat
  • Quorn mycoprotein contains no cholesterol
  • Quorn mycoprotein is a good source of vitamins and minerals (such as zinc and folate)
  • Quorn mycoprotein has a 98% lower carbon footprint than beef and 74% lower carbon footprint than chicken, so it’s good for us and good for the planet too!

How is it made?

Quorn mycoprotein is made by fermentation of the naturally occurring fungus Fusarium venenatum and replicates the taste and texture of meat really well! This means we don’t have to miss out on the meals with love as we start to reduce our meat intake or remove it altogether!

We use the age-old method of fermentation, but on a large scale – in tall, highly specialised fermenters, similar to what you would find in a brewery! This produces a Quorn mycoprotein paste, or ‘dough’, which is then seasoned and mixed with plant protein for our vegan products (we use free-range egg white in our veggie products) and it's this that helps to bind the mix. It is then simply steam cooked, chilled and frozen and it’s this careful combination of technical processes that make Quorn a much-loved meat-free alternative.

You can find out more about Quorn mycoprotein here.

Cooking with Quorn hints:

  • Quorn doesn’t require the same amount of cooking time and energy that meat does. There’s no need to fry Quorn off first or defrost it in advance... Our Senior Home Economist Kate Snow recommends adding Quorn straight from frozen into your sauce, 10 or 15 minutes before the end!
  • You may have realised that when you have previously cooked chicken, it leaches out water, however, Quorn Pieces does the opposite and instead absorbs the sauce. Therefore, you may find that you need to add more liquid and less thickening agent.
  • Quorn soaks up flavour incredibly well so you can guarantee that your dish will be bursting with flavour when you opt for Quorn. We highly recommend kicking off with a Quorn Chow Mein made with Quorn Vegan Pieces.

Ready to get started on your vegan adventure? Explore all of our tasty recipes right here.

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